Preparing for Surgery
To expedite your check-in process, The Pre-Admission Coordinator will be contacting you prior to your date of service. You will be receiving by mail, a information packet which will include Notice of Patient Rights and Responsibilities, Physician Ownership Disclosure, the center policy regarding Advance Directives including a description of applicable state health and safety laws and patient health history. The Pre-Admission Coordinator direct line is 856-722-7000 ext 156.
A Health History Nurse will call you prior to your surgery to collect information about your health, remind you to complete and bring the form received in your packet and cover any pre-operative instructions.
A business office clerk will call you the day before your surgery, informing you of your arrival time and answer any questions you have. If you have not received a call by 4:00 p.m. the day before your surgery or have additional questions please call us at 856-722-7000.
It is important for you to follow these guidelines before surgery to prevent delay or cancellations.
A scheduler will call you the day before your surgery, review special instructions and answer any questions you have. If you have not received a call by 4 p.m. the day before your surgery or have additional questions please call us at 856-722-7000.